District (kaza) of Eski Zağra in 1840s

Territory and village population totals, based on data from Ottoman population registers (nüfus defterleri). Modern village land polygons are used to draw kaza border after some manual adjustments and modifications.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

Creating administrative polygons by joining village lands

The Ottoman administrative polygons (kazas and nahiyes) are the principal analytic resolution used in PPOGEO_BG. The lack of reliable administrative maps for the Ottoman era forced the project to create its own polygons by spatial join of administratively attributed points from the Ottoman population registers and modern village land polygons.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

Filibe district (kaza) in 1840s

The Ottoman population registers contain point (settlement) data, including point’s administrative belonging at the level of district and sub-district. Joining the lands of settlement belonging to the same administrative unit can result in relatively accurate territorial polygons. The map displays the district (kaza) of Filibe (Plovdiv) and its sub-districts (nahiye) of Koyun tepesi, Göpsu, Karacadağ, Konuş, and Rupçoz.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

Tatar Pazarcık district (kaza) in 1840s

The Ottoman population registers contain point (settlement) data, including point’s administrative belonging at the level of district and sub-district. Joining the lands of settlement belonging to the same administrative unit can result in relatively accurate territorial polygons. The map displays the district (kaza) of Tatar pazarcık (Pazardzhik) and its sub-districts (nahiye) of Ova, and Yaka.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

Districts (kaza) of Akça Kazanlık and Çırpan 1840s

The map is a visualization of the territorial extend of the small districts (kaza) of Akça Kazanlık and Çırpan in central southern Bulgaria, based on the spatial join of village lands as they appear in the Ottoman population registers (nüfus defterleri) from the 1840s.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

District (kaza) of Hezargrad in 1840s

Visualization of the territorial extend of the district of Hezargrad (Razgrad) and its sub-units (nahiye) of Divaneorman, Kara Lom, and İvrana. The map is based on the spatial join of village lands as they appear in the Ottoman population registers (nüfus defterleri) from the 1840s.

Map created by Grigor Boykov

Districts (kaza) of Osman pazarı and Tuzluk 1840s

Hillshade of the territorial extend of the small districts (kaza) of Osman pazarı and Tuzluk in central southern Bulgaria, based on the spatial join of village lands as they appear in the Ottoman population registers (nüfus defterleri) from the 1840s.

Map created by Grigor Boykov